Sunday, March 2, 2008

More Thing 5. Spelling With Flickr

L card letter i Bead Letter B R A IMG_9035 Y 2 Fullstop zero


Anonymous said...

Now, Miss Turrey, you have totally intimidated me! Talk about worrying about your spelling! Instead you have such thoughtful, INTELLIGENT comments I am blown away. Not to mention WAY behind you in this pursuit.
Gonna go walk the dog, that I CAN do!

Miss Turrey said...

d'et, we've already discussed this, but just for the record I am also going to respond here. To put it simply, if I can do this, you can do it much better. And, remember, I work part-time, so I do have more time to work on this than you do. My posts are written after I have finally accomplished something and don't include those moments when I'm in the middle or muddle of it and frustrated. So there!