Monday, March 10, 2008

Doing the "Things"

In response to a co-worker's comment after my Spelling With Flickr post, I guess I need to offer a more balanced account of my experiences in doing the "Things". According to her, I am making it look too easy. This is all very challenging, but if I can do it, she can do it much better! I begin each "Thing" with optimism, plunging right in, but soon become overwhelmed and bottom out thinking "this is too hard". I try this, and that, over and over, and eventually manage to accomplish something. If anyone has my blog on their RSS feed I wonder if they see all of my posts that are unsuccessful and have to be deleted! Like when I get the title of a picture and no picture. Again and again! By the time I write my post reflections I have surfaced and am relieved to have had some success, so then of course I sound quite positive. It is not an easy process, however. I've had a lot of trouble trying to copy the URLs and had more success saving a picture to my computer and then uploading.

1 comment:

viola said...

I am thoroughly enjoying your blog! You are so very thoughtful. Due to the fact that I am far behind you in the Things please keep leaving me tips because I NEED HELP!! Keep up the good work! You are an inspiration!